Edit Person Markéta Všelichová

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Enter the current year if the year of their birthday is unknown.
Is this person associated with others through a common case like the SHAC 7? Click "add another item" for multiple cases.
Projected Release Date
For U.S.-held federal prisoners, the BOP locator will list this.
Check the box if prisoner was sentenced to life in prison or to a lengthy sentence that is effectively a life sentence based on their age or repeated parole denials. If they are eligible for parole before their maximum release date, please enter that below.
Next Parole Hearing
If known, please list when they become eligible for parole or when their next hearing is scheduled.
Format: 2024-10
Mailing Address
Please put the best mailing address to get mail to this individual by putting their name and any prisoner ID necessary in the 'Name' field and placing the address, city, state/province and postal code in the appropriate fields.

For example U.S. prisoners' addresses should be formatted like this:
Name: Jane Doe #38771-22
Company: FCI Awful
Address: P.O. Box 1872
New York, New York 11111
If the envelope needs to be addressed to a different name or there are other known mail restrictions.
Does this prisoner have an official support group?
Comma-separated list of movements this person is associated with (Anarchist, Black Panther Party, Earth Liberation, etc.)
Bitcoin address for donations
Online donation site
A link to donate via PayPal, Fundrazr or another site
A link to a list of books the prisoner would like if available.
Please upload a PDF of a brochure or flyer in support of this prisoner if one exists.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf.

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Revision information
Provide an explanation of the changes you are making. This will help other authors understand your motivations.