
Miroslav Farkas

Two Czech activists, Markéta Všelichová and Miroslav Farkas, were arrested on the 13th of November 2016 while attempting to cross the Habur border crossing from Turkey to Iraq. They were accused of participating in terrorist activity in Northern Syria and taken into custody.

Markéta Všelichová

Two Czech activists, Markéta Všelichová and Miroslav Farkas, were arrested on the 13th of November 2016 while attempting to cross the Habur border crossing from Turkey to Iraq. They were accused of participating in terrorist activity in Northern Syria and taken into custody.

On the 2nd of August they were sentenced to 6 years and 3 months for belonging to the Kurdish defence forces YGP/YPJ (these non-state Kurdish groups are fighting Daesh/ISIS, the Turkish army which has been repressing Kurds for several decades, and the dictatorial regime of Bashar Al-Asad).

Georges Ibrahim Abdallah

Georges is a Lebanese Arab struggler for Palestine held in French prisons for decades. Georges' case has built significant support in Lebanon and in France, and Palestinian prisoners have highlighted the importance of his case as part of the struggle of the Palestinian political prisoners for freedom and liberation. He has always refused to capitulate or renounce his political vision and commitment to the Palestinian cause, to the people of Lebanon, and to international struggles for liberation.

Mauricio Hernández Norambuena

Mauricio is one of the most significant oppositors to the chilean military dictatorship first and, later, to the "democratic" transition guided by the same dictator Pinochet (until his death).

Case Background:

In 1976, during the dictatorship, Mauricio was a Communist Party militant, while in 1983 he was one of the founders of the Manuel Rodríguez Patriotic Front (FPMR), an organization borned as the military organization of the Communist Party that later developed its own authonomy to fight and defeat the dictatorship on the military plan.

Ana Belen Montes

Ana Belen Montes was a Pentagon intelligence analyst who, opposed to the plans of aggression against Cuba being developed, felt morally obliged to alert the Cuban government of said plans. Her actions were uncovered and she was accused of high treason, a crime punishable by death. She was forced to negotiate with the prosecution and to plead guilty to espionage on behalf of Cuba. She was released on 1/6/23.

In 2002, she was sentenced to 25 years in prison, a sentence she has been serving under extreme and inhumane isolation:

Ohio 7 (United Freedom Front)

The Ohio 7 were tried for their involvement in actions carried out by the United Freedom Front (UFF) and the Sam Melville-Jonathan Jackson Unit (SM-JJ). In 1985-86, members of these groups were convicted for conspiracy and bombing of unoccupied military and corporate facilities. For a decade these guerrilla units targeted governments and corporations that engaged in criminal activities in South Africa and Central America.

Cuban 5

The Cuban Five are five Cuban men serving four life sentences and 75 years collectively, after being wrongly convicted in U.S. federal court in Miami, on June 8, 2001.

They are Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañino, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando González and René González.

The Five were falsely accused by the U.S. government of committing espionage conspiracy against the United States, and other related charges. Instead, they were involved in monitoring the actions of Miami-based terrorist groups, in order to prevent terrorist attacks on their country of Cuba.

Malik El-Amin (Meral Smith)

Malik is one of the Virgin Island 3 serving 8 consecutive life sentences after being tortured into a false confession, then wrongly imprisoned. He was 21 at the time of his arrest in 1972. Now in his 60s, he has several chronic health issues that are difficult to treat inside prison including treatment-resistant cancer. He has support within the Virgin Islands and mainland U.S. should he be granted clemency like his former codefendant was in 1994.

Malik is an avid poet, and his poetry addresses social justice issues.



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