From the Atlanta Anti-Repression Committee:
John is a Black Atlanta activist facing charges related to the George Floyd Rebellion in the Summer of 2020. He was arrested on November 2, 2020 in an inter-agency raid along with two others and Ellie Brett. They face charges related to a string of arsons against government property and police cruisers. Wade has been repeatedly harassed by law enforcement since the beginning of the mass rebellion. He currently faces charges for his alleged participation in the vandalism and burning of the former Wendy’s restaurant on University Avenue following the murder of Rayshard Brooks. Brooks was killed by Atlanta Police Officer Garrett Rolfe, who was indicted for murder following the burning of the Wendy’s — outside of which Rayshard was murdered — and clashes between police and protesters. Without the determined acts of large crowds following the killing of Brooks, it is unlikely that Rolfe would have been indicted on charges at all.
He was sentenced to a mandatory minimum of 5 years for conspiracy to commit arson of a federal vehicle.